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Musical Environments

Music and Art Studio for Children from Birth to Age 12 and Expectant Mothers

Musical Environments® is an oasis of classical music for children.


“Music is a more potent instrument than any other form of education. Children should be taught music before anything.” – Plato

What are your dreams for your child? Intelligence? A well-rounded personality? A kind heart? Joy?

Research proves that you can increase your children’s intelligence by introducing them to classical music early in life.

FACT: 95% of a child’s brain development takes place before age 4.

FACT: A child’s brain works on a “use it or lose it” principle. It discards synapses not used or stimulated early in life.

FACT: There is a huge increase in synapses during the first year of life, but the “windows of opportunities” when the child’s brain is like a super sponge, soaking up new information more readily, extends throughout childhood.

…all good reasons to introduce your children to classical music as early as possible.

Musical Environments is a music and art school for children from birth to age 12 based on holistic educational approach with an emphasis on classical music.

Usually, we think we have to teach music; instead, we should concentrate on creating a musical atmosphere. According to Dr. Montessori, “the secret of all man’s progress is the love of his environment”. Just as beautiful speech comes from years of listening, music appreciation comes from years of listening to music. Musical Environments provides such musical atmosphere.

Musical Environments has created a musical atmosphere where children grow into classical music so that they can unfold their full potential. Here your children enter a soothing environment far from noise, electronic games and media. Instead, they enjoy a combination of creative arts and playful activities while being exposed to classical music. The Musical Environments’ curriculum is a child’s dream come true! At the same time this holistic approach

  • Stimulates their brain development
  • Instills in them a love for classical music and fine arts
  • Fosters their curiosity for learning
  • Lays a foundation for them to unfold their talents and be the best they can be
  • Transforms them into well-rounded individuals.

Discerning parents looking for an alternative holistic environment for their children that fosters their creativity and imagination, unfolds their talents, maximizes their potential, and brings beauty to their lives.

There is a wide variety of beautiful non-classical music that raises one’s spirits, for example, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese music, or nature background, such as the sound of rain or dolphins. Why to focus on classical music? Read research on classical music and brain development, find out about the Mozart Effect and benefits of “alpha brain waves”, watch the video about the “windows of opportunities”.

Tanya’s Unique Approach to Musical Education

Music affects our body, mind and spirit. Certain classical music is more suitable for young children and babies. Tanya Irwin, the founder and visionary of Musical Environments, is a classically trained musicologist. She surrounds your children with music that connects them to their hearts and brings more richness and beauty to their lives. With Musical Environments, Tanya introduces her unique approach to early childhood music education to Santa Barbara.

Take this Positive Step in your Child’s Development

Imagine your sense of warm satisfaction when you know you’ve given your children the very best opportunities for learning and growth, during the period when their brains are most open to absorb information that will affect their whole lives.

When is the best time to begin? As early as possible, even while your child is still in the womb. 

Call (805) 280-1072 or email to sign up for a class or to schedule a visit to the music studio in Santa Barbara that offers this transformational musical education for children from birth to age 12.

New students get 10% off the first session… and we offer discounts for siblings too.
Expectant mothers are free!

Music and Art Studio for Children in Santa Barbara CA |  |  Copyright 2023