happy kids happy kids happy kids

"Like all new moms, I wanted to eat healthy, exercise, and do everything I could for a fabulous pregnancy. I discovered all sorts of websites for a healthy pregnancy, but one caught my attention about the "Mozart Effect". So I started to surround myself with classical music during my prenatal phase. I would fall asleep listening to it, so I decided to purchase a headphone set and would place the earpiece on my stomach so my unborn baby can listen to the music also. Every evening I would do this on a regular basis prior to falling asleep. When the day arrived for delivery, I took my CD player to the hospital and played classical music. Other then my voice, my children listened to classical music during their first hours of life.

I would go for long walks and carry a small CD player with portable speakers. I would place them by the stroller and both my children would fall asleep. I decided to do this during their bed time routine, always playing the same piece of classical music; that way it becomes imbedded in their sense of memory. Some infants sooth or calm themselves with pacifiers, blanket or their fingers before falling asleep. My children learned that classical music would sooth them to fall asleep.

In the childcare facility where Benjamin attended at the age of 4, there was an incident that upset him. His teacher asked him what she could do to help him feel better. My son asked the teacher to turn classical music on, so she looked for a radio and played his request. She was surprised, but Benjamin sat on a chair and listened to the music to calm down. When his teacher mentioned this, I was not surprised by my son's request.

I am so grateful that we have found Ms. Tanya (as my children call her). Our experience with her has been very rewarding. As our music teacher, she has given my children the message that classical music can be fun, and not boring to listen to." - Barbara G.

Musical Environments®
is a musical oasis for children
where they learn to appreciate
classical music while engaging
in creative activities...

"Music is a more potent instrument than any other form of education. Children should be taught music before anything"


"... Before beginning to learn an instrument, the learner, whether a child, adolescent or adult, should already be spiritually in possession of some music; he should, so to speak, carry it in his mind, keep it in his heart and hear it with his mind’s ear. The whole secret of talent and of genius is that in the case of a person so gifted, music lives a full life in his brain before he even touches a keyboard or draws a bow across the strings. That is why Mozart as a small child could “at once” play the piano and the violin."

Heinrich Neuhaus

"The secret of all man's progress is the love of his environment"

Dr. Mario Montessori

"The sense of hearing connects with the heart, and music and sound touch us most directly"

Katharine Le Mee

For schedule and fees contact Tanya Irwin
Santa Barbara, CA

Related links and friends:
Tanya's Piano Studio